Currently Bidding

Notice to Contractors

Richland County Land Reutilization Corporation is ready to solicit bids for the following projects.

Sealed proposals for the below projects will be received by the Richland County Land Reutilization Corporation at County Building Lower Level 1, 50 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, OH 44902 until 9:00 AM, March 24, 2025. The bids will be opened and publicly read aloud IMMEDIATELY in the Land Bank office at the address listed.

Richland County Land Reutilization Corporation award bids to the lowest, fully responsive and most responsible bidder – see Qualifications of Bidder, page 6 of bid documents. 

For Questions Contact
Richland County Land Reutilization Corporation
50 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio 44902

Past Bid Results

June 22, 2017 – In light of clerical errors in the bid documents and on the Land Bank website, we regretfully rejected all bids.