Lead Safe Ohio

Construction Standards Construction, activities carried out under the Lead Safe Ohio program shall be subject to the rules set forth in the Residential Rehabilitation Standards (RRS) or the Residential Code of Ohio as well as any local building Page 4 of 10 codes and regulations. Absent local building codes and regulations, the Residential Code of Ohio shall be the minimum standard applied. Ohio Department of Development encourages Lead Safe Ohio grantees to source Ohio-manufactured windows, doors, and other building materials whenever practical.

Minimum Window Requirements, windows installed with the Lead Safe Ohio Program must at minimum be Energy Star rated vinyl, aluminum clad or wood material. Wood may only be used in historical district or where required by local code. Vinyl windows shall be welded frame. Windows shall be multiple panes, low-E glass, and argon gas filled. Each window shall be a double hung, casement or slider window which is capable of egress. Exterior trim shall be wrapped with aluminum coil stock. All seams, edges and gaps are to be sealed using silicone caulk. Clean all interior trim and seal all gaps. Basement window replacement shall include the removal and disposal of all wood or metal components. Install glass block windows with a center vent. Seal all gaps with mortar or silicone caulk.

Minimum Door Requirements, Exterior doors installed with the Lead Safe Ohio Program must at minimum be Energy Star Rated steel or fiberglass material. Doors must include a keyed lockset, doorstop, deadbolt, and weather stripping. All exterior trim shall be wrapped with aluminum coil stock and all edges and seams must be sealed with silicone caulk.

  1. Project Eligibility Activities, addressing childcare facilities and/or congregate shelters must only qualify the facility. Activities which directly serve a household must qualify the eligibility of the residents residing in the home and the age of the home.
  2. Facility Eligibility, childcare facilities or congregate shelters facilities built on or before 1978 are eligible for Lead Safe Ohio program. Facilities built after 1978 are not eligible unless a lead hazard has been identified.
  3. Dwelling Eligibility, residential dwellings built on or before 1978 are eligible for the Lead Safe Ohio program. Dwellings built after 1978 are not eligible. Eligible residential dwellings are single-family (1-4 units).
  4. Owner/Renter, both owner-occupied and rental-occupied units are eligible. Eligibility is based on the criteria below of the owner- or renter household.
  5. Income Eligibility Grantees, Households (owners and renters) with incomes at or below 120% of the area median income (AMI) are eligible and shall be prioritized. Income limits must be considered when determining your eligibility for assistance for the Grant Program. Also, income must be 120% below the median income issued for the City of Mansfield by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
    • Households with incomes over 80% of AMI qualify if they meet the Housing Insecurity and Home Value Limit criteria detailed below.
  6. Housing Insecurity, a household with an income over 120% AMI can qualify for assistance if they provide documentation of housing insecurity. Housing insecurity for the purpose of the Lead Safe Ohio program is defined as the household uncertainty of safety and occupants could be jeopardized due to lead based paint concerns.
    • Lead-Based Paint concerns including chipping and peeling paint and/or bare soil near failing paint.
    • A lead hazard has been identified.
    • Rental units where affordable housing could be taken off market due to LBP concerns.

Home Value Limit, if the household is over 120% AMI and has documented housing insecurity, the homes after rehabilitation value limit must be below the established limit of $314,000 for households over 120% AMI.

Limits of Assistance, including the cost of any proposed Lead Safe Ohio program funded program delivery costs and cleaning, but exclude funds being provided through other non-Lead Safe Ohio program grant programs Residential Limit $50,000 per unit Facilities Limit $100,000 per childcare facility or congregate shelter facility. Complete Lead Safe Ohio guidelines are available at https://development.ohio.gov/community/housing-and-homelessness/lead-safe-ohio-program. To apply, please complete the electronic form below or the printable version and mail it as directed.