Tax Foreclosure

Learn About Tax Foreclosure

Tax foreclosure is a Richland County tool that the Land Bank uses to help return abandoned properties to productive use.

How It Works

Tax foreclosure is not a simple or fast process (9 months up to 3 years). All delinquent taxpayers have a right to due process and the opportunity to pay their taxes and keep their property. But when a property has been abandoned by its owner, tax foreclosure is one of the tools available to our community to start fresh and make the land productive again.

  1. A property has delinquent taxes in excess of $1,000.00 and is identified as a candidate for foreclosure.
  2. County Treasurer and Prosecutor’s office order title work and investigate the property to ensure all parties receive notice of the foreclosure.
  3. A legal complaint is filed before a judge of the Common Pleas Court and all parties receive service of process.
  4. If the owner or a lienholder desires to pay the delinquent taxes, assessments, and cost and redeem the property, they bear the burden to show that the property is in compliance with building, health and safety codes and zoning regulations.
  5. The assigned judge will issue a foreclosure judgment if the delinquent taxes and assessment and cost remain unpaid and uncontested.
  6. The property will be auctioned by the Sheriff at two sales in order to collect what is due.
  7. If the property is sold by the Sheriff, the delinquent taxes, assessments and cost are paid and a new owner has responsibility for the property going forward. If no one purchases the property at the Sheriff’s auction, it will be forfeited to the State of Ohio.
  8. If a property is forfeited to the State of Ohio, the Land Bank may inspect it and determine if it will take ownership. If the Land Bank does not take ownership, the property will remain on the forfeited property list and be offered for sale by the Land Bank or future County Auditor auction.